... "To me, what's more interesting is what will happen if and when the late adopters--older, more conservative, less affluent and less educated voters--start leveraging the Internet in a large way. That's when we'll see real change! And that is when we could finally see the collapse of the traditional political parties, which are failing because they're trying to sell a 19th-century model of governance to a 21st-century electorate."
die spd neu erfinden #1
die spd neu erfinden #1
jurijmlotman - am Freitag, 24. September 2004, 17:48 - Rubrik: emerging democracy
jurijmlotman meinte am 29. Sep, 19:37:
aus fremden kommentaren ...
... roland; 09/21/04/21:10:04 ich verrat jetz dem herrn supatyp sein tipp: sich die spd schönsaufen.